Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where did February Go??

We came home from Gus' baptism on February 6th and feel like I just got back into life a couple of days ago, which would make it the 1st of March. After having my whole family sick, except Layne, (because he never was home) and being in the hospital for 5 days and trying to recoup, I realized that I only have major medical bills to fondly remember Feb of 2010 by. We all came down with a virus that took every person about 6-7 days to recover from, and of course nobody was sick at the same time, we seemed to stagger each other by about 3 days. So it was lovely to have barf buckets around for 2 weeks. I ended up in the hospital with a gallstone ( haven't had a gallbladder for 4 years) stuck in the duct work that runs the liver and pancreas. The normal levels for the liver are around 135, I found out today that when I was sick my levels were over 800. My body was poisoning itself. I have a procedure done to have that removed, but then took me 3 more days to be able to even eat anything, which required a very long and expensive stay in the hospital. While I was in the hospital Erin still wasn't getting better, so we spent and afternoon and evening together in my hospital room, both of us with IVs and our own set of nurses and Doc cuddled up on the same bed watching cartoons .So wish that I had realized what a great picture that would have made and had a camera. Everyone is finally healthy and I am doing much better, and am defiantly on the road to recovery, which is good, because somebody has to be the mom around here!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're feeling better! A month is long time to be THAT sick!
